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How to travel solo to Iraq
I departed Mesopotamia leaving behind a piece of my heart, and I brought unforgettable memories and that delicious Arabic coffee with cardamom..
Mangystau, ο κρυμμένος θησαυρός του Καζακστάν
Πριν ενάμιση χρόνο περίπου, έτυχε να δω κάπου στα social media ένα τοπίο τόσο εξωπραγματικό που φάνταζε ψεύτικο.
Afghanistan trip: invited to a wedding party in Kunduz
Kunduz, a small town in northern Afghanistan, is the first stop in the country for travelers crossing the border from Tajikistan
Crossing Tajikistan – Afghanistan border as a solo woman traveler
The idea of traveling to Afghanistan popped up for the first time while I was wandering around the Pakistani mountains
Tiraspol, Transnistria: a trip to the country that does not exist
A journey to Transnistria, to a country that does not exist, back in the USSR, or a time travel capsule?
A trip to Karachi and south Pakistan
During this very special trip, I could not skip the south, a separate and unique part of the country,
Mauritania: how to visit Oualata and travel back in time
One of the main reasons I wanted to visit Mauritania was the ancient city of Oualata.
Damascus: what to see in the oldest town of Syria
We started exploring the Old City, from the first moment we arrived in Damascus directly from Beirut airport.
A road trip to postwar Syria of 2022
I traveled to Syria in early November 2022, for 8 days.
Mauritania: what to see in the Sahara of the West Africa
What is it like traveling as a solo, blonde woman, for 20 days to a Muslim country in West Africa, which is still considered as a high risk area because of Al Qaeda?
Mauritania: traveling as a solo woman on the iron ore train
Africans call it the “Snake of the desert”, and it is known as the largest cargo train in the world!
Everest Base Camp trekking tour: the program (part 4)
Early morning departure once again from the village of Pheriche
About me
Hi there!! Thank you for visiting my personal travel blog!
I am Maria, a part-time explorer and nature lover from Greece….read more about me