by Trips Of Our Life | Nov 2, 2017 | Europe, UK
On our third stop of our full-day tour to the south Highlands, we visited the only lake of Scotland, lake Menteith (the only one because all the rest are called “lochs” by the locals). We stopped at a spot along the main road and for a while we went down near the...
by Trips Of Our Life | Nov 1, 2017 | Europe, UK
On our third stop of our full day tour to the south Highlands we visited the Little Fawn waterfall, placed in a beautiful spot of the Queen Elizabeth forest, part of the Trossachs National Park. We left our bus at the parking lot just outside the forest and went on on...
by Trips Of Our Life | Oct 31, 2017 | Europe, UK
Our last stop of our full day tour to the south Highlands included a meeting with the cute locals…the Hairy Scotland Coos. A worldwide unique cattle breed, with roots to the Highlands and the western Isles of Scotland. So, on our way back to Edinburgh, we...
by Trips Of Our Life | Jul 16, 2017 | Γερμανία, Ευρώπη
Το Füssen είναι μία πανέμορφη πόλη 15.000 περίπου κατοίκων, χτισμένη στους πρόποδες των Βαυαρικών Άλπεων, σε υψόμετρο 800-1200 μέτρα πάνω από τη στάθμη της θάλασσας και θεωρείται η υψηλότερη Βαυαρική πόλη. Είναι κυρίως γνωστή ως αρχή ή τελικός προορισμός του...
by Trips Of Our Life | Jul 16, 2017 | Europe, Germany
Füssen is a beautiful town with 15.000 residents, placed on the foothills of the Bavarian Alps. It is considered as the highest Bavarian town built in 800-1200m above sea level. It is mostly known as the initial or the final destination of the royal «Romantic Road» in...