Currently in Greece
From Santorini with ♥   (part II)

From Santorini with ♥ (part II)

Continued from Part I Συνέχεια από Μέρος α΄ Well, Santorini is not about the beaches, that’s for sure. Actually, some people hate them but I totally disagree with that. They are definitely NOT the pristine ones with the turquoise water, but you can enjoy swimming and...
From Santorini with ♥   (part I)

From Santorini with ♥ (part I)

I could write numerous pages about Santorini but it would be pointless…. No words can describe the endless beauty of this unique island of our country. What should I say about the most famous gem of Greece, this tiny spot being amongst the “10 most beautiful islands...
Garmisch-Partenkirchen: the gate to the Bavarian Alps

Garmisch-Partenkirchen: η πύλη των Βαυαρικών Άλπεων

Οι Βαυαρικές Άλπεις ήταν από πάντα πολύ ψηλά στη λίστα των ταξιδιών μου. Χωρίς αμφιβολία, γενικά ολόκληρη η οροσειρά είναι ένα από τα πιό ονειρεμένα σημεία της κεντρικής Ευρώπης, ιδιαίτερα τον χειμώνα όπου το χιονισμένο σκηνικό είναι απλά παραμυθένιο. Μέχρι στιγμής...
My 7+1 favorite beaches in Greece

My 7+1 favorite beaches in Greece

Summer time!!! Beach time!! Where?? How about Dreamy Greece!! I know I’m a little bit late, as probably most of you have already booked your summer vacations, but it is never too late to swim in a Greek beach (or make plans for the next year)!! I don’t know if we are...
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