Currently in Greece

The Pharaohs tombs in the Valley of the Kings are placed deep inside the wild mountain (in contrast to the Pyramids in Cairo). The entrance is visible, but if you want to visit the interior, you have to descend underground through corridors. The corridors are wide and the chambers are quite large, but if someone is claustrophobic, he probably cannot visit these places.

This specific tomb of King Ramses IV is similar to the others we visited, Ramses III, Ramses IΧ, with the difference that here you can get into the burial chamber in which his sarcophagus is placed in the center. The long corridor, which begins from the entrance to the burial chamber and ends at a smaller room back, is decorated with colorful frescoes from floor to ceiling. Most of them show hieroglyphics, others figures of people, animals and gods, and others, scenes from the Book of the Dead and various ceremonies. Additionally, Christian Coptic symbols and Greek graffiti have been found in this tomb.

All of them are extremely impressive, with colorful details on the walls and perfectly preserved. What else but awe may one feel while walking inside those underground tombs of thousands years old, knowing that everything was constructed by human hand and has been hidden from everyone until recently?

The end of the corridor behind the burial chamber

The burial chamber is part of the long corridor which extends up to a smaller room at the end of it. The walls and ceiling are decorated with scenes from the Book of Gates and his large well-preserved sarcophagus is kept in the center of this chamber.

Ceiling details

Valley of the Kings


Welcome to “Trips of our Life”, my personal travel blog!!

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